We serviced a
Model WFE515S0JS3
Near Charlotte, NC 28214
Robert A.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
I installed the ordered parts and tested the unit for the cx. Th unit is working as designed.
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near Waterbury, CT 06710
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Checked over unit due to machine had stopped half way threw a cycle and never completed, ran a diagnostics and found error f0e9 off balance pause. Recalibrated machine and ran unit thew a quick wash with clothes found unit going thew and completing cycle, ran a spin and drain and unit ramped up and spun out but made a screeching noise from belt wile high speed spin was going, checked belt and replaced due to stretched out ran a spin and unit is now operating to specs ; used 1 W11239857 (BELT) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRT549SZDM01
Near Waterbury, CT 06705
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Checked over unit and found moisture building up in fridge and freezer due to door gaskets not sealing, reversed gaskets and heated to create proper seal noticed wile sealing doors the insulation had gotten all over fridge door corner and would not come off staining door, unit needs new fridge door stainless and caps will order. Leveled unit and advised door will come to house plz check for damage also door is a special order and will take time to get ; ordrng 1 LW10672972 (Fridge door stainless) and 2 W10830982 (Hole plug)s"
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS03
Near Charlotte, NC 28273
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Replaced main control put unit into test mode all operations are normal. No water was present in fresh food section. Unit ran and checked okCALL COMPLETE JL
We serviced a
Model WED8127LC2
Near Charlotte, NC 28273
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
New dryer put into test mode all operations are normal. Checked dryer vent behind dryer no crimps and no pinches. I also checked lint filter no restrictions. I advised customer to have maintenance clean venting correctly. I advised customer fire Marshalls request dryer vents be cleaned every 6 months. Unit ran and checked okCALL COMPLETE JL
We serviced a
Model WRF757SDHV03
Near Charlotte, NC 28273
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Replaced both French door gaskets also put some sealant on the frame to seal up gape in frame. Unit ran and check ok
We serviced a
Model JS42PPDUDE01
Near Charlotte, NC 28277
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Replaced air baffle so flapper would open to allow air over to fresh food side. Unit ran and checked okCall complete
We serviced a
Model JDRP548HL01
Near Charlotte, NC 28226
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Spoke with tabitha at Jenn air they are covering parts and labor for this job.Concession # J17EYE0APL1Need to order both UI and knobs due to both knobs knobs are internal broken,and not selecting the correct position. uI is damaged also and cant enter diagnostics mode to get error codes. Ordering both Ui and knobs ; ordrng 2 W11492266 (Ui)s and 2 W11596839 (Knob)s"
We serviced a
Model WRX986SIHZ02
Near Mint Hill, NC 28227
Jenn F.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"No lights worked on unit. Water and ice still dispensed when door open. Ran diagnostics, board failed. Customer complained about water hammering noise. Discovered they are not using OEM water filter. Informed customer they have to get a whirlpool specific water filter. Changed control and now all lights work and door switches being recognized. ; used 1 W10843055 (CNTRL-ELEC) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WML55011HS07
Near Windsor, CT 06095
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Inspected and found turn table motor not seated properly causing it to skip and jump while turning, replaced drive motor but needs drive cam also, will order and will call when we can return.; rqstng P&A on 1 W11452278 (Drive cam)"
We serviced a
Near Mooresville, NC 28117
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Found no power being supplied to compressor. PO error flashing. Reset unit. No resolve. Unit will need control replaced . ; rqstng P&A on 1 W11035835 (cntrl-elec) and 1 2XEXTRA (2XEXTRA), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 R600A R600A 14.8 OZ"
We serviced a
Model MHW7100DC0
Near Simsbury, CT 06070
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Checked unit has mold build up in despenser housing gave cust estimate for housing
We serviced a
Model KDFE104HPS0
Near Simsbury, CT 06070
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Checked unit found adjuster broken used two from truck stock did not show I had had in truck but I did; used 2 WPW10546503 (Rack adjuster) from stock
We serviced a
Near East Granby, CT 06026
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Inspected and found freezer drain tube frozen over and clogged with ice, cleared ice and cleared out drain hole, and tested fine."
We serviced a
Model WED4815EW1
Near Charlotte, NC 28215
Jenn F.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Visually saw lint and debri in dryer vent. Did dryer test kit. Failed all 3x. Outside vent partially clogged. ; used 1 W11224254 (VENT TEST KIT) from stock
We serviced a
Model KRFC704FPS05
Near Davidson, NC 28036
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Found unit not cooling properly due to inefficient compressor. Ice cream soft. Buzzing coming from compressor. Order and replace compressor. ; ordrng 1 W11578031 (Compressor) and 1 W11506635 (Tube), rqstng P&A on 1 2XEXTRA (2XEXTRA)"
We serviced a
Model WFE525S0JZ3
Near Southington, CT 06479
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Checked over unit and found glass top silicone around unit torn and missing spots also silicone install looks terrible all over glass and not right from factory, will order new glass top and return ; ordrng 1 W11175876 (Glass top)"
We serviced a
Model WTW7000DW0
Near Southington, CT 06479
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Tested unit and found washer would not fill with and error out, ran diagnostics and found errors F8e1 long fill f2e1 stuck key ran self test and found water valve not letting water in found 120v to each solenoid valve faulty. Wile checking valve found wash plate loose and not grabbing removed and found Gearcase and wash plate striped out causing unit to not wash properly. Wash needs new Gearcase,wash plate and solenoid customer will hold off for now and buy a new machine, sent quote to email"
We serviced a
Model ADB1400AMB0
Near West Springfield, MA 01089
Mike K.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Under 1yr wp warranty, took photo of receipt.Unit fills, but wash motor not running. Verified voltage coming to motorOrdered sump assy. Office will contact cs when part comes in to schedule return.; ordrng 1 W11613570 (Sump assy)"
We serviced a
Near West Hartford, CT 06107
Chuck M.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Customer complaint is that door slams down. Inspected and found cable on right side snapped. Replaced door link kit and tested. Showed customer it works. ; used 1 8194001 (DOOR LINK KIT) from stock
We serviced a
Model MED6230HW2
Near West Hartford, CT 06119
Chuck M.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Customer complaint is that dryer was not starting. Inspected and found thermal fuse open. Replaced and tested. Dryer is working properly. Checked exhaust outside and found vent is clear but tree is against vent. Possible circulation issue. ; used 1 WP3392519 (THERMAL FUSE) from stock
We serviced a
Model WDF540PADB3
Near Hartford, CT 06114
Chuck M.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Customer complaint is that dishwasher was not washing properly. Ran diagnostics and found error codes F7e1 no heat. F4e3 wash motor not running. Completed automatic test cycle successfully. Dishwasher is washing and draining properly.
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW0
Near Simsbury, CT 06092
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Checked unit could not not get into diagnostics ui is not responding does have power gave cust estimate for ui
We serviced a
Near Granby, CT 06035
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Concern is noise, inspected and did not find any noises or problems at this time, temps where set a little high, set temps to recommended. All functions test fine at this time. Customer to monitor."
We serviced a
Model MEDX655DW1
Near Southington, CT 06489
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Ran dryer and found unit heating but timer would not cycle to shut unit down machine would just run until shut down manually. Checked timer and timer is getting proper Voltage found timer motor not spinning will order new timer and return ; ordrng 1 WPW10642928 (Timer)
We serviced a
Model KFGG504KPS1
Near Meriden, CT 06450
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Tested unit due to customer having issue with broil not heating up correctly, heated oven and found broil operating normally flam is perfect and unit is heating up as designed advised customer on how broil works and everything is normal advised maybe using convection broil for a more even heating. Checked over cooktop and found no simmer on all burners, adjusted all burners to have a simmer ran diagnostics and no errors checked temps in oven and oven is heating to correct temp and all operations working to specs"
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near New Britain, CT 06053
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Checked unit found not dispensing water or ice reset break and unit started to function normally
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Plainville, CT 06062
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Checked unit could not get into diagnostics unit just stoped ordering control harness and latch unit is getting 120 volts to control used actual goods date; ordrng 1 W11643701 (Harness) and 1 W11513246 (Control) and 1 W11513248 (Latch)
We serviced a
Model KDTE304DSS0
Near Bolton, CT 06043
Chuck M.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Customer complaint is that dishwasher was not washing and drying properly. Ran diagnostics and found error codes F3e1 temperature sensor. F7e1 no heat. Tested resistance on sensor and it is out of range. Tested drain pump and it is intermittent. Found bearings in drain hose at check valve which possibly caused damage to drain pump. Ordered NTC and drain pump. ; ordrng 1 WPW10531320 (drain pump) and 1 WPW10195091 (thermostat), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10455261 MOTOR/SUMP"
We serviced a
Model WRT541SZDW01
Near Springfield, MA 01129
Chris B.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Complaint that the unit is making noises all day. Found compressor lines and condenser rail touching the bottom of the unit. Adjusted and supported the lines and unit running normal. No noises only the normal sound of compressor running. Mentioned to the customer that compressor sound is normal.
We serviced a
Model MER8800FZ3
Near Bolton, CT 06043
Chuck M.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Installed infinite switch and tested. Burner is working properly.
We serviced a
Model KDTE254ESS2
Near Windsor, CT 06095
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
"Inspected and found upper rack adjusters and cover holders broken, will order and return.; ordrng 2 WPW10546503 (Adjusters)s and 2 WPW10250162 (Adjuster cover clips)s"
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LC1
Near Charlotte, NC 28210
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/13/2023
Found wash plate warped which would allow clothes to get caught underneath. Tech ordered wash cap which will be installed upon returning with Wash plate. Have ordered part will return. Return this Friday in the pm; ordrng 1 W11510461 (Washplate)
We serviced a
Model WRT518SZFM02
Near Charlotte, NC 28214
Robert A.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"I called the cx and told him it will take some time to produce ice. I needs to satisfy the desired temp and complete a cycle. I had the fc door open during the repair, so the temp rose significantly. The cx understood and will call us if he has more issues."
We serviced a
Model WTW5000DW1
Near Mansfield, CT 06268
Amanda R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Not spinning hub and wash plate stripped ; ordrng 1 W10752283 (Wash plate) and 1 W10528947 (Hub)
We serviced a
Model WRT541SZDB01
Near Millbury, MA 01527
Angel R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Found compressor not working, customer says it stopped working the previous night. Unit is warm, saw no frost pattern. Quoted customer on sealed system job and they decided immediately it was not worth it and will buy new unit."
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HC2
Near Thompson, CT 06255
Amanda R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Lid lock broken replaced lid lock tested operation normal ; used 1 W11394572 (DOOR LOCK) from stock
We serviced a
Model WRF535SWHZ01
Near Webster, MA 01570
Amanda R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Lost complete cooling oil under neath compressor on of the lines around compressor is leaking oil will need new compressor and system be pressurized to find leak and be fixed ; ordrng 1 W10507884 (Compressor)
We serviced a
Model KRMF706ESS01
Near Berlin, CT 06037
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Checked over cooling and found fridge at 39 and freezer at 29 degrees nothing freezing in Freezer section, checked evaps and found fridge evap frosting up and freezer only partial frost placed unit into a diagnostics and ran step 4 compressor test, found unit would cycle into fridge but never cycle in freezer. Pulled unit out and found compressor super hot to touch and coil valve stuck on fridge section, placed coil into neutral and Freon never leaked out reset coil valve and restarted unit. Checked cooling and fridge evap frosting over freezer evap frosting over let unit run and both section are now cooling but compressor needs to be replaced also 3 way coil valve and evap just Incase, Will order new parts under ten year warranty will fill unit with nitrogen on return and checked for leaking again to be safe advised we would call when parts where in for return visit ; ordrng 1 W10832994 (Compressor kit) and 1 W11429989 (Selinoid) and 1 W11492867 (Evaporator)"
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ08
Near Meriden, CT 06450
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Tested unit and found water leaking from under fridge going threw floor and into ceiling in basement customer had shut off water supply and leaked stopped. Pulled unit out and found water leaking from connection at fridge, checked line and found pin holes in plastic causing water to spray and leak. Cut out leak and replaced with 1/4 fitting checked over entire unit and all connections dry and unit now operating to specs ; used 1 WP2198677 (FITTING 1/4-1/4) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Suffield, CT 06093
Mike K.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Covered under Wp authorization.Unit wont go into wash, just keeps sensing and filling.Error history F0e3, f7e4, overload, basket re-engagement error.Cleared.Ran diagnostic test, everything functioned fine.Ran quick cycle, nothing in unit., filled for a minute then went into wash with no issues.Ran dlms calibration. Ran each valve in component testing and each worked fine.Ran bulky cycle and filled but water was never over washplate, same was in quick wash. Ran bulky once more with deep fill selected. Same.Ordering control and pressure hose.Office to contact to schedule return when parts come in.; ordrng 1 W11419171 (Control) and 1 WP353244 (Pressure hose)"
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAHZ0
Near Worcester, MA 01604
Angel R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Found unit full of water and mold. No filter in unit which is likely what killed the pump, seems customer has been running unit without one. Also upper rack adjuster wheels broken. Will order pump, filter and adjuster kit. Customer has to empty and clean out unit of mold and water upon return visit. Awaiting P&A.; rqstng P&A on 1 W10876537 (drain pump) and 1 W10872845 (filter) and 1 W10712395 (adjuster)"
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near Clover, SC 29710
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Tested and ran diagnostics. Found long drain error. Checked wiring, no obvious breaks in wiring but found if wires are moved drain pump will come on and go off. Ordering lower harness.; ordrng 1 W11643701 (Harness)"
We serviced a
Model WDP540HAMZ0
Near Worcester, MA 01604
Angel R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Found inlet valve stuck in closed position. Inspected for blockage and kinks in fill hose and hose going into tub. Will order new valve, had none is TS.; ordrd 1 W11175771 (valve-inlt)"
We serviced a
Model 106727220
Near Somers, CT 06071
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Inspected and found unit is a manual defrost style freezer and poor cooling because 7nit has not been defrosted in she said 10 years. And I advised to thaw unit out very soon.
We serviced a
Model KSEG950ESS0
Near Enfield, CT 06082
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Installed new convection fan and housing, cycled and tested fine."
We serviced a
Model WFG520S0FS0
Near Longmeadow, MA 01106
Mike K.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Main complaints, oven not lighting, door not closing/ latch issues.On arrival door is off and apart, hinge off, display missing digits, oven light no coming on. Held in door switch and tested bake, lit with no issues, tested 5+ times and lit with no issues, verified broil as well.With door latch keeping door switch from closing would cause issues.Put into self clean and verified door lock is working properly.Reassembled door and closing fine, put into bake and preheated to 350 with no issue."
We serviced a
Model Kdfe104hps1
Near Longmeadow, MA 01106
Mike K.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Replaced control and ran normal cycle filled fine, went into wash and verified spray arm movement."
We serviced a
Model MGDB765FW0
Near Springfield, MA 01108
Roger R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Installed new idler pulley and tested, all okay. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 279640 IDLER PULLEY"
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ0
Near East Windsor, CT 06016
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Installed new vent and cycled, tested fine."
We serviced a
Model WFW3090JW0
Near Springfield, MA 01119
Roger R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found unit was is child lock mode. Instructed customer about functions.
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW2
Near Chicopee, MA 01020
Roger R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Installed new main control and unit still not working. Also found bad shift actuator. Installed and unit responding normally now. ; used 1 W10913953 (ACTUATOR) from stock
We serviced a
Model WF50K7500AV/A2
Near Chicopee, MA 01020
Roger R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Installed new main control and pressure sensor. Ran a spin cycle and unit still not spinning properly. Checked rotor and stator okay. Determined that there is a drag on the tub from inside. Quoted additional $828 for new tub and labor. Customer will call office regarding refund for parts Cust stated he spoke to mgr on Friday and was told if parts did not resolve issue that he would be eligible for for refund.
We serviced a
Model WRT511SZDB02
Near Columbia, CT 06237
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Freezer not keeping things 100% frozen. Found partial frost pattern. Needs new compressor. ; ordrng 1 W11580057 (Compressor)
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ05
Near Columbia, CT 06237
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Both sections not cooling. Found frost only at bottom two sections of evaporator. Needs new compressor and system leak checked with nitrogen. ; ordrng 1 W10507884 (Compressor) and 1 Xtratime (Xtra time)
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW1
Near Worcester, MA 01609
Angel R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Ran diagnostics and found F7E3 basket engaged during wash. Cleared and ran calibration and test cycle and code came back. Ran on quick wash, during sensing the clutch sounded like it was having a hard time shifting and basket started to jerk and shutter at certain moments. Looks like the basket is having trouble engaging at times during the sensing and shuts the system down. Spoke to tech line suggested replacing clutch and main harness. SR#7736610556.; ordrd 1 W1075448 (Clutch) and 1 W11568984 (Harness)"
We serviced a
Model MED4500MW0
Near Huntersville, NC 28078
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found timer knob stem cracked not allowing timer to rotate properly. Used other knob to set timer and test unit. All functions check ok. Provided part and phone number to customer. Advised to have whirlpool send part.
We serviced a
Model KFDC506JSS01
Near Huntersville, NC 28078
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Customer smells gas every morning. Gas company said all burners leaking at 200ppm. Turned gas on and bubble tested all connections and orifices. No leaks present. Instructed customer that gas company will need to return to turn gas back on.
We serviced a
Model WRT318FZDW09
Near Huntersville, NC 28078
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found RC gasket not sealing properly causing condensation in refrigerator. Molded gasket to frame. Verified proper seal. All functions check ok.
We serviced a
Model JGCP436HL00
Near Charlotte, NC 28278
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found front panel and trim scratched. Ordered parts needed to make a good repair. Will call customer when parts come in; ordrng 1 W11339741 (Trim) and 1 W11339765 (Panel console) and 1 W11238658 (Badge)
We serviced a
Model WRT518SZFB02
Near Auburn, MA 01501
Amanda R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Sr 7736616849 when replacing ff door switch the wires didnt come out with door switch tried separating wires from foam spray and liner couldnt come out to attach to door switch tried pulling broke spade off of the wire ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11384469 LIGHT SWITCH
We serviced a
Near Simsbury, CT 06070
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Checked unit found open winding gave cust estimate for comp
We serviced a
Model WDT750SAHZ0
Near Harwinton, CT 06791
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Checked unit found door is sagging down due to door hinges gave cust estimate for hinges
We serviced a
Model KSGG700ESS6
Near Torrington, CT 06790
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Checked unit found getting low flame in oven ordering regulator ; ordrng 1 W10861656 (Regulator)
We serviced a
Model WRX986SIHZ03
Near Winsted, CT 06098
Ruben C.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Cancelling service cust does not have receipt
We serviced a
Model KDFM404KPS0
Near Ellington, CT 06029
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Inspected and found fault for draining , drain pump getting hot while running, will submit estimate and call for return date.; ordrng 1 W11412291 (Drain pump)"
We serviced a
Model WML55011HS07
Near Clover, SC 29710
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Took microwave down, removed cabinet. Replaced board. Tested microwave on counter, operating properly. Remounted microwave, tested again, operating properly."
We serviced a
Model WRX988SIBM03
Near Huntersville, NC 28078
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Unable to verify complaint at this time. Customer says unit began making ice last night. Bin is full. Ran diagnostics and verified proper operation of ice maker, fill, and fan. All functions check ok. Suspect unit not reset after installing board."
We serviced a
Model MGD5630HC0
Near Cornelius, NC 28031
Mark C.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Quote for the repair is 465.46 customer unavailable when I called sending estimate via email awaiting approval.
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHZ05
Near Granby, MA 01033
Roger R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Installed new evaporator and compressor. While doing repairs the evaporator cover was damaged and need to be replaced. Will order and return. ; ordrng 1 W11429207 (Cover, evaporator), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10507884 COMPRESSOR , used 1 W11506635 (COUPLER 6 NF MS SV) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRS325SDHZ08
Near Auburn, MA 01501
Amanda R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Made sure compressor worked before I installed it replaced compressor vacuumed system recharged with 68g r600a explained need to wait 24 hours before putting food in it to make sure it freezes
We serviced a
Model WRT311FZDB02
Near Monson, MA 01057
Roger R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found unit has frost buildup in freezer. Checked heater circuit about 80 Ohms. Unit needs another new main control. Will order and return. ; ordrng 1 W11613574 (Control)
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ0
Near Charlton, MA 01507
Amanda R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Drain pump missing from sump assembly installed new drain pump tested operation normal ; used 1 W10876537 (DRAIN PUMP) from stock
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LW0
Near Huntersville, NC 28078
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found unit leaking from fabric softener tray. Part is covered. Order and replace dispenser. Customer paid in full. 256.33; ordrng 1 W11569112 (Dispenser)
We serviced a
Model JBZFL30IGX00
Near Cornelius, NC 28031
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Installed new gasket and molded to frame. Verified proper seal. All functions check ok.
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near Charlotte, NC 28278
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Customer purchased a scratch and dent washing machine from queen city appliance. Upon arriving at house the machine had no fault code suspension rods were good and machine was level. Advise customer there was nothing we could do with this unit because everything was working properly. However, the right front corner was damaged, if you look at unit it will be lower left corner. Customer mentioned calling Queen City to get new unit. Advised customer to read instruction manual. Also, called whirlpool tech support so info could be added to notes7736613826 spoke with Derek whirlpool tech support"
We serviced a
Model WOC95EC0AS01
Near Charlotte, NC 28278
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found bad door switch on microwave replace door switch unit ran and checked OK. Quoted $256 paid per card JOB COMPLETE; used 1 W10727360 (SWITCH) from stock
We serviced a
Model WED49STBW0
Near Davidson, NC 28036
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found vent hose crushed causing improper ventilation and long dry times. Rerouted vent and verified proper airflow. All functions check ok.
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HC1
Near Mooresville, NC 28115
Vincent O.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Found gearcase shaft dropped causing misalignment of slider. Order and replace gearcase and slider. ; ordrng 1 W11449841 (Gearcase) and 1 W10734521 (Slider)
We serviced a
Model NTW4516FW3
Near Wolcott, CT 06716
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Tested unit and found washer not responding when plugged in found unit just running drain pump no Lights on display. Canceled out unit and ran diagnostics checked for errors and found off balance load causing machine to shut down and drain never completing the cycle, ran a self test and unit went threw as designed. Advised customer on canceling out a cycle and how long to hold the cancel button for, ran a calibration and normal wash all functions working to factory specs ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10919003 DRAIN PUMP and 1 W11603811 CNTRL-ELEC"
We serviced a
Model WRF555SDFZ12
Near Prospect, CT 06712
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Checked over unit and found lower shelf would fall down when anything heavy would be on right side of shelf, checked and found right side shelf tab on cabinet had twisted causing shelf to not lock in and to fall down. Removed tab and fixed to hold shelf in place tested shelf its weight and it is now holding and operating as designed"
We serviced a
Model WRS555SIHZ06
Near Clover, SC 29710
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Replaced main control, dispenser board and heater. Tested and ran diagnostics. All functions tested correctly."
We serviced a
Model WED8127LC1
Near Fort Mill, SC 29708
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Checked dryer and found rear bulkhead rough causing damage to felt and drum. Ordering bulkhead and drum.; ordrng 1 W11162465 (Rear bulkhead) and 1 W10545923 (Drum) and 1 2Xtime (2x time)
We serviced a
Model WDF520PADM9
Near York, SC 29745
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Tested and ran diagnostics. No stored error codes. Ran full diagnostics test cycle, no issues found. All components operating as designed. Found that dishwasher drain hose had no high loop. Advised customer that drain hose needs the high loop and she should also run a cycle with dishwasher cleaner. No issues found with dishwasher."
We serviced a
Model KDFE204KPS0
Near Ellington, CT 06029
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Inspected and found fault for draining, 9-1, drain pump worn out and replaced, cycled and tested fine; used 1 W11412291 (DRAIN PUMP) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near York, SC 29745
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Replaced rail and freezer door. Tested and ensured proper seal. All operating and sealing correctly.
We serviced a
Model NED4655EW1
Near York, SC 29745
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"First call someone answered but hung up, second call went to voicemail. Arrived at home, knocked, someone asked who was there. Identified myself but they would not come to door or answer any of my questions. Tagged door, took picture."
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near York, SC 29745
Mitch H.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Found left hinge out of receiver. Removed door, corrected hinge. Reinstalled door, now operating properly."
We serviced a
Model WED4815EW1
Near Gastonia, NC 28056
Ryan S.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Found safety thermostat, bad check dryer vent to exterior of home. There is no air movement at all. Advise customer to call dryer vent company to clean out dryer we replaced it and thermal kit. Ran dryer attached to wall unit got hot left unit unplugged and again advised customer to call and get dryer vent clean before using dryer attached to wall. Took picture of outside vent flow"
We serviced a
Model WTW5100HW3
Near West Springfield, MA 01089
Mike K.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Under 1yr wp warranty, took photo of receipt.Intermittent drinking noise in spin. Did find oil spray in belt cover. Basket spins freely by hand.F2e1 error in history ( stuck key).only error, cleared.Ran diagnostics. Went through and at very end grinder loudly, but with order gear case, cam, washplate ; ordrng 1 W11449840 (Gear case) and 1 W10752283 (Washplate) and 1 W10721967 (Cam) and 1 2xtime (2x time)"
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near Southampton, MA 01073
Mike K.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Showed video of washer in spin and unit with unit shaking/loud. Video looked like normal operation, not banging, but with a load not abnormal. Noise in video also was not abnormal, though hard to make out specifics, but drain motor, spin, vibrating all at once it didnt sound like anything abnormal.No errors in history, ran self test fine.Asked to run with load. Loaded three towels into unit, balanced out load when putting it in. Ran quick wash through fill into agitate to get fully wet, cancelled and drained fine. Put unit into drain &spin cycle.Ran full cycle, no abnormal noises, regular vibrations, spun out fine.More out of balance loads would shake more, potentially making banging noises or even unit deciding to shut down if too far out of balance, but unit has been tested with load and verified operating correctly."
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW
Near South Hadley, MA 01075
Mike K.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Complaint of loud clunk, seems to mainly occurs after fill. Timing sounds like when unit switches from spin to agitate, which would be the shifter engaging.Cs started a load, but noise was not as loud as they have been experiencing. Cancelled and drained fine.No errors in history, ran shifter test all sounds normal. Also ran wash/ spin tests alternately and t different speeds. Slider/shifter working properly, no abnormal noises.; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11396717 DRAIN PUMP"
We serviced a
Model WDT730PAHZ0
Near Vernon, CT 06066
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Inspected and found upper rack adjusters broken, replaced with new adjusters and tested fine. 2 year warranty from Costco.; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10712395 ADJUSTER"
We serviced a
Model KDFE204ESS3
Near South Windsor, CT 06074
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Inspected and found wash pump pumping properly, but wash arms and wash wall clogged , will submit estimate and call.; rqstng P&A on 1 WPW10327455 (Ceiling wash arm) and 1 WP3400918 (Retainer) and 1 WPW10448645 (Middle arm) and 1 W10769518 (Wash wall) and 1 WPW10463906 (Filter) and 1 W10872845 (Screen)"
We serviced a
Model WRF767SDHZ04
Near Windsor, CT 06095
Gary V.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"Installed new ice maker and cycled and filled with water, please allow 24-48 hours for ice production."
We serviced a
Model MSS25N4MKZ04
Near Indian Trail, NC 28079
Jonathan J.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Complaint refrigerator not cooling in the refrigerator section freezer is cooling fine. I found freezer evaporator was completely frozen over a defrosted evaporator core tested heater in diagnostics menu heater is working perfectly fine and diagnostics control board has two stickers is part of the technical service pointer Technical Service Pointer #: W11642483 Rev C Action Required: MandatoryRelease Date: December 2022 Side by Side Refrigeration ProductsOffice to call customer as soon as part comes in.; ordrng 1 W11546690 (Control)
We serviced a
Model KRFC604FSS03
Near Weddington, NC 28104
Jonathan J.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Complaint not making ice I found fill tube frozen over valve is working fine customer just had control ice maker and valve replaced unit will need new fill tube customer declined today will call back once they decide ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11557000 ICEMAKER
We serviced a
Model JFFCF72DKL04
Near Charlotte, NC 28208
Robert A.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
Cx complaint that the units gasket are torn. I inspected the unit and confirmed the complaint. I found all 3 gaskets have tears in them. Im ordering new gaskets for the return visit.; ordrng 2 W10830046 (Door gaskets)s and 1 W10571967 (FC door gasket)
We serviced a
Model WFE550S0LZ2
Near Charlotte, NC 28216
Robert A.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
I installed the ordered part and tested the unit for the cx. The unit is working as designed.
We serviced a
Near Stallings, NC 28104
Jonathan J.
Job Details: 06/12/2023
"I replaced all previously ordered parts. I tested operations no leaks. Everything is working properly heater is not staying energized. Wind control is in standby mode. Unit filling with appropriate water level and draining water out properly as well. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10482480 MOTOR/SUMP 1 W10648041 VALVE , and 1 WPW10348269 DRAIN PUMP"