We serviced a
Model KDFE104HPS0
Near Farmington, CT 06085
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Customer complaint is that dishwasher has a burning smell. Inspected and found a metal spoon and an unidentifiable object melted to heater. Removed and attempted to clean but melted material still stuck to heater. Ordered heater P&A.; rqstng P&A on 1 W10703867 (heater)
We serviced a
Model KHMS2040BSS0
Near Winsted, CT 06098
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Installed interlock kit and bulb. Showed customer it works. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11244494 INTERLOCK ASSY SP W112452
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ00
Near Meriden, CT 06450
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Checked over unit and found fridge section not cooling checked freezer and unit is cooling but no air flowing, checked evap fan and found not running. Removed evaporator cover and found fan getting 120v but fan motor not coming on fan faulty. Will order new evaporator fan motor, parts tentative p/a ; used 1 WPW10464673 (EVAP MOTOR) from stock, states that autho needed"
We serviced a
Model MVW6230RHW0
Near Bloomfield, CT 06002
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Replaced lower harness and tested washer is working properly.
We serviced a
Model KDTM354DSS5
Near West Hartford, CT 06107
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Customer complaint is that dishwasher upper rack rail broke. Confirmed and replaced rails. S-Code S22916. Showed customer it works. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11259785 TRACK and 1 W11259786 TRACK
We serviced a
Model WFW560CHW4
Near Charlotte, NC 28213
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Ran washer thru cycle twice never found any leaks there are no fault codes stored in unit, I was only able to run unit with no clothes owner was not home. The maintenance man said that they would replace the drawer because unit is stacked in closet. Unit ran and checked okCall complete"
We serviced a
Model WMH31017HB07
Near Southington, CT 06489
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Checked over unit and found customer having issues with unit defrosting items, checked microwave for errors and found no errors ran unit threw a test and cycles magnetron on and off checked heating and magnetron is heating up normally, checked defrost setting and found working normally advised customer on defrost and how number 1 setting is longer cycling of heat number 2 and 3 are different also advised each setting is working properly the heat will cycle on and off during a defrost the defrost uses 20-30 percent less power when running to help defrost items. Checked over all other operations and unit is working to specs"
We serviced a
Model MVWP575GW0
Near Charlton, MA 01507
Amanda R.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Replaced motor and control only fills and drains wont agitate or spin replaced actuator but not right one for this model need to order ; ordrng 1 W11376227 (Harness) and 1 W11212745 (Actuator), used 1 W10913953 (ACTUATOR) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MRT311FFFZ00
Near Torrington, CT 06790
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Removed old compressor and brazed in new replaced filter dryer snd process stub refilled unit with 4.9 oz 134a and power unit up. Checked cooling and evaporator and found unit frosting up and pulling heat from condenser, adjusted temps to recommended and advised customer unit will need 24 to 48 hrs so temps can regulate unit was freezing everything in fridge section so it will take some time for it to settle out. All operations are now working to factory specs ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10507886 COMPRESSOR"
We serviced a
Model WED4815EW1
Near Torrington, CT 06790
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Tested dryer and found unit not heating checked for tumbling and unit would come on and operate just never heat up. Checked voltage at terminal block and 120v on each leg was present but no 240v acrossed, checked circuit breaker and flipped breaker on and off several times checked voltage and unit now has 240v, ran dryer and heater is now functioning unit is tumbling and working to factory specs. Advised unit circuit breaker may need to be replaced power needs to be checked by a professional electrician to verify issue the dryer is operating properly"
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW1
Near Charlotte, NC 28213
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Replaced dual water valve an unit on quick wash and tap cold unit filled and started agitating also put into service mode and checked for any new fault codes and there were none. Advised customer on how these new machines operate they make a little noise and they can shake a lot. The unit set In storage for sometime before being installed in home. At this time there is not a thing wrong with this machine. Unit ran and checked okCall complete
We serviced a
Model MVW7230HW1
Near Charlotte, NC 28262
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Customer had a recording on phone of unit making noise during agitation I checked for fault codes there were none. I put the unit into a quick wash cycle. There is some knocking noise during agitation I checked the rotor cover and the splines seem to be a little worn down, other than that the noises are normal. Explained to customer how these new machines operate. Ordering a new rotor cover. Will return on 1-29-24 amPart#W11260238; ordrng 1 W11260238 (Rotor cover)"
We serviced a
Model WRT112CZJZ01
Near East Hartford, CT 06118
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Found defrost drain clogged causing water to drip in the fresh food section. Cleared away ice and all checks ok.
We serviced a
Model MED5630HW2
Near East Hartford, CT 06118
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Dryer not drying and has a burning smell. Found the vent extremely long and clogged causing moisture build up in dryer. Needs new vent installed and lint filter housing and blower wheel area cleaned. Customer has AIG warranty customer must call extended warranty to to have them cover the lint filter housing. P#W10906551
We serviced a
Model MVW7232HW0
Near East Hartford, CT 06108
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Installed new slider ran calibration then HSS. All checks ok. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10734521 SLIDER
We serviced a
Model GCI3061XB01
Near Denver, NC 28037
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Retuned to install Ui, module and large surface element . Installed parts and programmed to code 27. Verified proper operation."
We serviced a
Model WOD51EC0HS02
Near Iron Station, NC 28080
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Called techline today for call on Saturday. Techline confirmed ordering Ui since software update didnt help. Ordering new Ui. Part to be ordered is W11297709 ( part to be ordered under separate ticket) Sr# 7738291690 , ordering stainless Ui. Customer was told to await office call for return call. ; saved tckt"
We serviced a
Model KDTE104KPS1
Near Iron Station, NC 28080
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Customer complained of f8e4 error. Also found, f9 e2, and f7e1 error . Replaced sump,assembly from ts which had new drain pump attached . Installed reassembled unit. Ran unit through quick wash to test for leaks and proper operation. Verified unit working as designed, and wasnt leaking. Informed customer of unit leaks or gives f8e4 error code again to make sure unit doesnt have suds build up. Which will cause issue. If it does run unit though cleaning cycle. To resolve issue."
We serviced a
Model WTW5010LW0
Near West Hartford, CT 06107
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Customer complaint is that washer would not drain. Ran diagnostics cycle and tested voltage at control. Drain pump circuit has 120V but no voltage at drain pump connector. Inspected for break in harness. No visible break found. Quoted customer P&L. Customer will contact manufacturer for authorization.
We serviced a
Model WFW8620HC2
Near Fort Mill, SC 29715
Mitch H.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Removed and replaced upper harness. Reassembled washer and plugged back in. Entered diagnostics, cleared error code. Tested washer, F4E4 error code came back within in 5 minutes. Main control, air channel and blower assembly, and harness have been replaced. Harness was final suggestion from tech line, no other possible causes.I am deeming unit unrepairable as all possible solutions and recommended repairs have failed."
We serviced a
Model NED4655EW1
Near Rock Hill, SC 29730
Mitch H.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Tested and found heating element open. Dryer has correct voltage and all hi-limits and thermal fuses checked good. Removed and replaced element, tested, dryer operating properly.; used 1 279838 (Element) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near York, SC 29745
Mitch H.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Removed and replaced main control and lid latch. Reassembled, plugged washer back in. Ran factory calibration. Tested, washer operating properly."
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LW1
Near Westfield, MA 01085
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Out of warranty per service bench, cs supplied receipt so in warranty.Unplugged on arrival, cs said they were getting errors for long fill. hot valve is off, cold open, opened hot valance fully. Plugged in and unit was in manual drain, no water in tub.Let run for 10+ minutes and did not stop. Display says unit is draining, to remove clothes or start a cycle. Will not start a cycle, will not go into diagnostics. Removed rear cover and disconnected pressure hose, not clogged and did not stop drain cycle. Unplugging/ plugging in and same.Ordering control.; ordrng 1 W11621180 (Control)"
We serviced a
Model KDFE104HBL1
Near Montgomery, MA 01085
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Top rack had fallen. Adjuster brackets broken on both sides only have one as truck stock. Also missing clip.Quoted for clip, brackets and labor; ordrng 2 WPW10546503 (Adjuster rack)s"
We serviced a
Model WRF757SDHZ04
Near Westfield, MA 01085
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"unit is under 1yr wp warranty per service bench.Leaking from water valve. Replaced water valve and tested icemaker fill (test 345) not leaking, but not filling. Fill tube frozen, ran test 19 to turn on fill tube heater, cleared tube and ran fill test fine; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11482383 VALVE"
We serviced a
Model MVWP586GW0
Near Glastonbury, CT 06073
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
Washer not draining. Found 20vac at pump and harness looks good. Removed water and replaced pump all checks ok. ; used 1 WPW10276397 (DRAIN PUMP) from stock
We serviced a
Model KRFF507HBS02
Near Ellington, CT 06029
Gary V.
Job Details: 01/22/2024
"Concern no ice production. Cycled unit thru diagnostics and found no fault codes, ff at 38, and freezer at 0 degrees, however I found optical reader for ice bin level not illuminated, cycled voltage off, and reset controls, optical reader back on again now, cycled ice maker and it filled with water. All other functions test normal at this time. Please allow 24-48 hours for ice production to happen again."
We serviced a
Model MVWB855DC4
Near Belmont, NC 28012
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Returned to install new gearcase, inner basket, outer tub, Washplate , gearcase and cover w screw. Had to tear entire unit down to get old inner and pouter tub w gearcase out. Reassembled unit and ran unit through all functions and tested for leaks. No leaks and unit working as as designed., ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10902814 WASHPLATE and 1 W11393685 GEARCASE"
We serviced a
Model MVWC565FW1
Near Crouse, NC 28033
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Customer complained clothes wet, found long fill error. Found sediment in cold valve. Informed customer to clean cold valve and unit working as designed otheiswe. Collected trip fee."
We serviced a
Model WOD51EC0HS02
Near Iron Station, NC 28080
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
Customer complained unit wouldnt cut off. Found unit had no error codes stored. And Ui was working at time of call. Unit was saying not hooked up to Wi-Fi but customer said that when she talked to whirlpool they said it was up to date. Need to call techline and safety but call was on Saturdays keeping ticket open. For this. Saving quote due ticket not being under aig just a trip fee authorization. Informed customer I will call office Monday to get details on other aig ticket and office will when part comes in or to collect for part of no other ticket will cover part and labor. Saved quote and left this invoice open to call techline/ safety. ; saved tckt
We serviced a
Model NTW4516FW3
Near Montgomery, MA 01085
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Unit as just humming and not operating, cs unplugged, plugged in and found unit in manual drain. Allowed to complete and no errors in history, visual inspection of lower unit showed nothing abnormal. Ran recalibration and diagnostic test cycle, completed fine.; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11170317 CNTRL-ELEC and 1 W11428524 CAPACITOR"
We serviced a
Model WDT730HAMZ0
Near Westfield, MA 01085
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Unit is under 1yr wp warranty per service bench. Drains, fills, but wash motor not running. Verified voltage to motor.Ordering sump assy. Office to contact cs when parts come in to schedule return.; ordrng 1 W11613480 (Sump assy)"
We serviced a
Model DW80R9950UG
Near Agawam, MA 01030
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Top spray arm has come off several times. Was able to spread the be and get better connection, but to insure longevity ordering upper spray arm assy. Office to contact cs when part comes in to schedule return; rqstng P&A on 1 DD97-00509A (Spray arm)"
We serviced a
Model GTW460ASJ2WW
Near Agawam, MA 01001
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Complaint of filling while unit is off. Water off on arrival, when turned on a slow steady drier entering tub, says sometimes much worse, sometimes none. Faulty valve. Checked rest of unit over and looks good, ran cycle fine, lower assy visual inspection good.Quoted for valve/labor.. accepted. Collected in full via check #5448. No emailOff to contact cs when parts come in to schedule return visit ; ordrng 1 WH13X26535 (Valve assy)"
We serviced a
Model LSR7233BW2
Near Springfield, MA 01104
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"1995/96 top load washer. Unit will by spin, coupler broken and gear case has leaked oil. Explained to cs coupler might get some more life out of it, but needs gear case.Quoted for coupler/gear case and labor. Denied. Collected for service call; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WP3363394 DRAIN PUMP"
We serviced a
Model WDT730PAHZ0
Near Iron Station, NC 28080
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Customer said unit was to be billed to builder, Informed customer they will be liable if not. She said builder was supposed to pay for repair. Installed parts provided. Lowered unit. Verified proper operation."
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LW1
Near Mount Holly, NC 28120
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Customer complained unit not draining, upon arrival found pump energized but not draining. Quoted 373.42$ installed new pump and filled and drained unit, unit now draining properly, ran component activation and all other functions working as designed. Collected via card. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11396717 DRAIN PUMP"
We serviced a
Model WTW7000DW3
Near West Springfield, MA 01089
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"F0e3, f2e1 errors in history. Overload, stuck key. Cleared history. Ran self test and passed fine, suspension tests good, bearing good.Lower unit inspection, all looks good. Recalibrated and ran diagnostic test again. All passed. Unit is testing properly. Unbalanced loads would cause unit to bang, but functioning properly and unit will make loud noises when engaging spin/agitate. If bang in cycle pause unit, balance load and continue cycle.Office had precollected trip charge on both units, washer is no problem found, dryer had minor repair charge. Added payment to dryer of $50 minor labor charge."
We serviced a
Model MVW4505MW1
Near Mount Holly, NC 28120
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Customer complained unit wont do anything but humm. Found unit had water and drain pump humming/ energized. Found pump impeller broken. Replaced drain pump from ts. Ran unit after installing new drain pump and unit now drains.,verified proper operation. ; used 1 W11399437 (DRAIN PUMP) from stock"
We serviced a
Model MED4500MW0
Near Ludlow, MA 01056
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/20/2024
"Verified issues, wont stay running when start button is released. Replaced start switch and operating properly, verified heat cycles in timed dry."
We serviced a
Model WRF757SDEM01
Near Charlotte, NC 28273
Mitch H.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Called tech line spoke to Joe SR# 7738277777, tested thermistor at board, ohms out correctly, checked board, has correct 5vdc output. Checked RC temps, running at 43F, evaporator temp is 39F. Temp set at 36. Tech line suspects restriction or bad 3 way valve. Compressor has been replaced on unit, customer says it was replaced in 2019. Tech line advised checking pressures while running compressor test 4 in diagnostics. Says it should be 10-15psi on low side in step 4 of test for RC section. Only running about 1psi in this step. Confirming restriction or 3-way valve issue. Ordering solenoid for 3-way valve.; ordrng 1 W11429989 (Solenoid), dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10843055 CNTRL-ELEC 1 WPW10341329 VALVE , and 1 W11033168 THERMISTOR/FAN HARNESS"
We serviced a
Model A12569601
Near Southampton, MA 01073
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"GPS brings you to an un-named street. Quigley is the next street up.Built on n combo wall oven/microwave. No power to mw. To remove trim work to microwave you have to pull out oven, screws/clamp on backside. Found unit has a outlet built in to stove cabinet for the microwave and has a fuse, fuse is open. Plugged microwave into separate outlet and heated cup of water fine.Mod/ser is for microwave itself.Oven is FGMC3066UFB / AF11500106 fuse is on that part diagram.Quoted for fuse/labor. Accepted. Collected in full.Office to contact cs when parts come in to schedule return.; ordrng 1 5304518868 (20A Fuse)"
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS2
Near Wethersfield, CT 06109
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Dishwasher giving F8E4 found drip pan full of water. Found supply line leaking at prefabricated end needs new supply hose.
We serviced a
Model WDP540HAMZ4
Near Middletown, CT 06457
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Customers complaint is dishwasher leaking. Found supply water at 160 degrees. Must lower water down to 120 ran self test found no leaks. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11498831 GASKET
We serviced a
Model MET8800FZ05
Near West Hartford, CT 06119
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Customer complaint is that cooktop has a scratch on front left burner. Took pics of scratch. Explained to customer that the scratch falls out of the 30 day cosmetic warranty. Customer want cooktop submitted for authorization anyway. Quoted customer for P&L. Also submitted for authorization. ; rqstng P&A on 1 W11132188 (cooktop)
We serviced a
Model ASI2575GRW08
Near East Hartford, CT 06118
Amanda R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"When evacuating system livery little r600a came out Replaced compressor and evaporator fan set temps at recommended ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11504415 COUPLER 8.5/8 NR MS 00 1 W11504431 COUPLER 7/5 NR MS 00 , 1 W11504447 COUPLER 5/1.8 NR MS00 , 1 W11580057 COMPRESSOR R600A , and 1 WP2315549 EVAP MOTOR , used 1 W11506635 (COUPLER 6 NF MS SV) from stock"
We serviced a
Model WDF330PAHB4
Near East Hartford, CT 06118
Amanda R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Fills and drains motor getting 120v not running replaced motor tested operation normal ; used 1 W11025157 (MOTOR/SUMP) from stock
We serviced a
Model WTW5057LW0
Near East Hartford, CT 06108
Amanda R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Sensing just blinking not locking or starting Replaced control locked and started filling filled and started agitating left parts ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W10721967 CAM KIT 1 W11239857 BELT , 1 W11513246 CNTRL-ELEC , 1 W11513248 DOOR LOCK , and 1 W11643701 HARNESS LOWER"
We serviced a
Model KDFE204KPS2
Near Manchester, CT 06042
Amanda R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Complaint leaving a lot of condensation inside unit and leaking water out of vent when door is opened filled rinse aid dispenser Sr 7738284152 called tech support trying to find out how to change venting cycling without digital display they are looking into it
We serviced a
Model NED4655EW1
Near Tolland, CT 06084
Amanda R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
High limit fuse open replaced recommended getting venting cleaned ; used 1 279816 (THERMAL KIT) from stock
We serviced a
Model MVW6500MBK0
Near Lancaster, SC 29720
Jonathan J.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Complaint washing machine vibrates bangs during use spin cycle. Technical Service Pointer #: W11695259 Rev A Action Required: Mandatory Top Load Washers Noise and Vibration. I adjusted tabs inspected suspension educated customer on proper loading process of machine and how loading of machine causes imbalance vibration banging during spin. Hose slap is normal customer taped up machine hose to help prevent drain hose slap. Clunking is normal banging is normal and vibration is normal in this machine. Customer cannot compare this machine to their old Samsung washer. Left parts with customer. I verified washer is properly level verified using quick wash all noises heard are normal noises of banging are due to hose slap clicking during washing machine slowing down are plastic clutch normal noise and motor hum and water inlet valve noise. And drain pump cavitation noise is normal. All operations are normal per manufacturer file number 7738275610 use and care issues date given my manufacturer is December 26 as purchase date. If we come back for same issue must bill customer diagnostics fee.
We serviced a
Model KDTM404KPS0
Near Chicopee, MA 01020
Roger R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found unit has a bad wash pump and not running. Will need new pump. Quoted 249.99 for new pump and $239 labor rate.
We serviced a
Model MVW5430MW1
Near Chicopee, MA 01013
Roger R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found unit not level on floor. Leaning to the left side. On a concrete floor in basement. Adjusted leveling legs to compensate for uneven floor. Unit sits stable and level. All functional test passed and no error codes.
We serviced a
Model WRF560SEHZ00
Near Springfield, MA 01119
Roger R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found unit has a bad evaporator fan motor and both freezer rails are broken and damaged.. quoted for both rails and fan motor with labor.
We serviced a
Model MED4500MW0
Near Springfield, MA 01108
Roger R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Installed new timer and knob as original knob was split and shaft was hard to turn.
We serviced a
Model MDB4949SKW1
Near Longmeadow, MA 01106
Gary V.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Inspected and leak fault, found slight water inlet connector dribble, tightened connector and cycled, no longer detecting any leaks. All other functions test fine."
We serviced a
Model WFW5620HW3
Near Southington, CT 06489
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Replaced broken door latch and ran machine thew a wash cycle checked operations and unit is now washing and door is locking ran a drain and spin all operations now working to factory specs
We serviced a
Model WTW7120HW0
Near Southington, CT 06479
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Tested unit and found washer had stopped during a cycle and locked not allowing customer to open, ran a diagnostics cycle and found errors f2e2 ui disconnected, F9e1 long drain F0e5 off balance tried to run a self diagnostics and unit would just shut off. Checked power to drain pump and only had 93v not allowing pump to turn on tried cycling door lock and water valves and nothing would work unit would sit, checked slider and found working normally when manually adjusting it, unit going to need new cntrl, console,latch and main harness parts tentative p/a ; ordrng 1 W11419051 (Control) and 1 W11394572 (Latch) and 1 W11478525 (User interface) and 1 W11568984 (Harness), states that autho needed"
We serviced a
Model WFE550S0LZ2
Near Cheshire, CT 06410
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Installed new fan blade and fan motor due to old fan shaft bent making noise, ran air fryer and unit convection fan is now operating as designed checked heat and all operations are now working to specs"
We serviced a
Model CAE2795FQ1
Near West Hartford, CT 06117
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Customer complaint is that washer was not spinning. Ran diagnostics and found error code F7e1 basket speed sensor fault. Ran manual test cycle successfully. Ran calibration successfully. Ran drain and spin cycle and washer checked ok. 2nd appliance.
We serviced a
Model Mdb7759AWS0
Near West Hartford, CT 06119
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Customer complaint is that dishwasher wheel on upper rack broke off. Utensil basket missing part to hold utensils. Quoted P&L. Customer will purchase.
We serviced a
Model WTW4816FW2
Near Charlotte, NC 28227
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Put unit into normal wash with deep water wash level selected the unit filled and stopped where it should have (see pic) all operations are normal. The bumping sound is coming from the agitator when it rotating this is tall agitator with dogs and the top catches and makes a small bumping sound. All operations are normal. Unit ran and checked okCall complete
We serviced a
Model MVW6200KW0
Near Charlotte, NC 28227
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found the washer motor making loud intermittent noise needs to be replaced. Reschedule customer for 1-23-24Part#W11283592; ordrng 1 W11283592 (Motor)
We serviced a
Model WDF331PAHS1
Near Charlotte, NC 28262
Robert A.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Cx complaint that the unit is not washing. I inspected the unit to confirm the complaint. I found error codes: f4e3 f7e1. I cleared the codes and ran a service cycle. The unit filled and drained but there was no wash action. The unit needs a new sump motor assembly to resolve the issue. Im ordering the part for the return visit. My TS says I have 1 but its not on my van, I used it months ago and it was not replenished.; ordrng 1 W11025157 (Sump motor assembly)"
We serviced a
Model WED5620HW2
Near Charlotte, NC 28269
Robert A.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Cx complaint that the unit is not drying the clothes. I inspected the unit to confirm the complaint. I found the unit has good heat and tumbles. The airflow is decent but it could improve. The cx said she recently had the dryer vent cleaned. I looked outside and did not see the flap opening as the unit ran. I recommended using timed dry for better results. The unit is working as designed.
We serviced a
Model WRS588FIHZ06
Near Charlotte, NC 28216
Robert A.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
I installed the ordered part and tested the unit for the cx. The unit is working as designed.; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11236851 DIFFUSER
We serviced a
Model ="110.25132411"
Near Franklin, MA 02038
Aimee Z.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Went into diagnostics f5e4Found lid seems lockedTested lockRed to white on lid lock . 55 locked needs to be 85 to 155Needs lid lockCwa
We serviced a
Model JGR8875QDS
Near Franklin, MA 02038
Aimee Z.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found the igniter bad no glow 120 from ContrlReplaced igniter and pr heated complete; used 1 12400035 (Igniter) from stock
We serviced a
Model WRX735SDHZ02
Near Foxborough, MA 02035
Aimee Z.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Installed new gasket and first visit replaced light
We serviced a
Model MGT8655XS02
Near Fort Mill, SC 29715
Mitch H.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Disassembled and replaced burner assembly and igniter. Reassembled, tested, oven lighting and operating properly."
We serviced a
Model MED4500MW0
Near Charlotte, NC 28212
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Replaced timer and knob cut my knuckle unit ran and checked okCall complete
We serviced a
Model MDB9959SKZ0
Near Middletown, CT 06457
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Installed new bottom door seal. Ran self test and all checks ok. Wash motor runs but sounds like it might be in its way out.
We serviced a
Model CSP2970HQ1
Near Charlotte, NC 28213
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Unit needs a new control board not storing proper time for drying. This is a commercial stacked set at hotel the control board is located in the center of the stack set. The maintenance man is gonna get copy of delivery date and contact our office to get copy over to them so we can proceed with this repair. I advised that the commercial warranty on this unit was 3 months labor and 2 years parts. I also advised that there may be a charge depending on install datePart#W11398779; ordrng 1 W11398779 (Control board)
We serviced a
Model WFG320M0MS0
Near Gastonia, NC 28056
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Customer complained oven bottom panel pops up on left side when heated. Inspected bottom panel and found bottom panel warped, also possible issue with back left clip which was caused by faulty panel. Ordering bottom panel and clip for left back side. Customer could t get on lock box for closing disclosure, called Randy found date September-5-23 by serial number. Used that for now, Informed customer to have closing disclosure for return call. Office will call when part comes in. ; ordrng 1 W11098799 (Bottom panel) and 1 98005502 (Clip)"
We serviced a
Model KRSF705HPS00
Near Fort Mill, SC 29708
Mitch H.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Removed and replaced freezer LED module. All lights now operating properly.
We serviced a
Model WFC315S0JS3
Near Northampton, MA 01060
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Marks on floor upon arrival, took photos and used sliders to move unit.Replaced control and light working. Bake and broil operation verified."
We serviced a
Near Cheshire, CT 06410
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Installed new sump&motor ran unit threw a heavy wash cycle and checked all operations. Found unit now washing and all connections dry and working to factory specs; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 WPW10455261 MOTOR/SUMP
We serviced a
Model MMMF6030PZ00
Near Naugatuck, CT 06770
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Checked over unit and found microwave control panel access cover had come off of unit found cover tabs broken causing cover to not stay in place, unit will need new cover will order advised part is out of stock and once in we would call for return visit.; ordrng 2 W11593035 (Panel)s"
We serviced a
Model JMV8208CS07
Near East Hampton, CT 06424
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Installled new interlocks and door. Tested and microwave now heating properly.
We serviced a
Model WFG540H0AS0
Near East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Gary V.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Inspected and found bake igniter worn out and main acu no longer maintaining bake temp. Quoted and they will call.
We serviced a
Model JS48NXFXDE01
Near Montgomery, MA 01085
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Unit is cooling ok, complaint is door panel is off and light out in freezer. Remounted door panel and used larger screws to secure. Previous Scrapes by light that was out, took photo prior to removing.Replaced light and working fine; used 1 W11462342 () from stock"
We serviced a
Model WRS321SDHW05
Near Westfield, MA 01085
Mike K.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Unit not cooling, cs had another servicer out, had said they needed a condenser and been waiting months on parts. Found evap cover with thick ice build up, got cover off and evap solid with ice. Some previous damage to evap cover and shelf holder, functioning, but took photos. Found loose connector on heater, reseated and put unit into defrost and verified defrosting. Quoted for labor or repair/defrosting evap fully.. accepted.Steamed clear evap and unit cooling. Did see that previous sealed system work has been done, looks like it was at least recharged at some point, but again not by us."
We serviced a
Model KSSS36FKX00
Near Farmington, CT 06032
Chuck M.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Wrong ticker opened.
We serviced a
Model WFE320M0JS4
Near Dallas, NC 28034
Ryan S.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Unit is a new build with no tenant. Found back left burner not working. Found surface element bad, short in burner. also ordering switch due to switch staying stuck on high. Scheduled return call for 1-25-23 am. ; ordrng 1 W11171119 (Left rear burner.) and 1 WP3149404 (Left rear switch.)"
We serviced a
Model WRF757SDHZ04
Near Naugatuck, CT 06770
Jimmy R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Tested unit and found both section would not cool and customer had lost all food, plugged unit in and found compressor buzzing super loud checked amperage 24.7 amps compressor is locked up and needs to be replaced, advised customer unit needs new compressor and they started they would like a new fridge unit is only 3 months old and this should not happen they had lost all there food advised to give customer service a call and let us know the outcome ; ordrng 1 W11614224 (Compressor kit) and 1 W11504447 (Coupler) and 1 W11504445 (Coupler) and 1 W11506635 (Access valve) and 1 W11504431 (Coupler) and 1 R600 (Refrigerant bottle)"
We serviced a
Model WRT348FMES04
Near Charlotte, NC 28216
Robert A.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
I installed the ordered part and tested the unit for the cx. The unit is working as designed.; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11384469 LIGHT SWITCH
We serviced a
Model WED8127LC1
Near Charlotte, NC 28270
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found proper power going to dryer and the inside light is on but the control panel is completely dead all wires attached needs to be replaced for good repair.Rescheduled for 1-25-24 amPart#W11419059; ordrng 1 W11419059 (Control panel)
We serviced a
Model MVWB835DW4
Near Matthews, NC 28105
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found gear case sling fluid everywhere every part underneath is saturated and will never come clean so in order to make this a good repair the following is neededPart#W11393685Part#W10915700Part#W10754448Part#W10915701Part#W10752189Part#W10902814Part#W10909670Part#W107345212TIME FRAME; ordrng 1 W11393685 (Gear case) and 1 W10915700 (Motor) and 1 W10754448 (Clutch) and 1 W10915701 (Rotor cover) and 1 W10752189 (Screw) and 1 W10902814 (Washplate) and 1 W10909670 (Spanner nut) and 1 W10734521 (Slider) and 2 2xframe (2xframe)s
We serviced a
Model WTW8127LC2
Near Mint Hill, NC 28227
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found screw up in the stator it was not a screw from the washer the unit is on a drain pan and pan is cracked In front. I removed screw and tested unit all components are normal the unit ran and checked ok( one time education )Complete
We serviced a
Model KSGG700ESS3
Near Charlotte, NC 28216
Robert A.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Cx complaint that the unit is still sparking when power is connected. I inspected the unit to confirm the complaint. I found a pinch wire (red and black) to the spark module that caused a thermal event. I repaired the wire, the unit still sparks whenever power is connected. I traced power from the switch harness, its sending voltage unconditionally to the spark module causing the continually click. Im ordering another switch harness and a control board to resolve the issue.; ordrng 1 W11376663 (Switch harness) and 1 W11034208 (Control board) and 1 WPW10475149 (Spark module)"
We serviced a
Near Glastonbury, CT 06033
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Installed new wash arms started a cycle found no leaks customer to keep a eye on it.
We serviced a
Model WFE550S0HV1
Near Mint Hill, NC 28227
Jeff L.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
The left front burner is the one in question. I turned burner on with dual burner and single burner the unit is operating g normal burner is cycling on and off at a very slow rate staying on longer than it should gonna replace left front burnerCall complete
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Glastonbury, CT 06033
Jeremy B.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Customers complaint is sensing light flashing and wont start a cycle. Instructed customer on proper use found all checks ok. 1 press if light is dashing and 2 presses if not flashing.
We serviced a
Model MED0465HW0
Near Franklin, MA 02038
Aimee Z.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found need to replace the dryer vent cap out side louvers are broken and exposed to element . Cold air coming into vent and dryer. Out side vent needs to be replaced.Found heating fine .They vent inside needed to be shortened and I cleaned out lint and vents back dryer filled with lint cleaned .This is a air flow issue
We serviced a
Model JF42NXFXDE02
Near South Windsor, CT 06074
Amanda R.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Ice maker making ice very slow replaced ice maker it called for water
We serviced a
Model WTW4955HW3
Near Marshville, NC 28103
Jonathan J.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Complaint stuck on wash will not progress past wash cycle. I found f8e1 I found drain. Hose was shoved way too far down drain causing a siphoning issue leading to F8E1 error code. I adjusted drain hose. Inspected water pressure is fine. No additional issues found with washing machine at this time. I check suspension drive out gearcase, and everything else, no additional issues. I replaced capacitor as it was starting to drip dielectric oil. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11428524 CAPACITOR"
We serviced a
Model MVWC465HW3
Near Charlotte, NC 28262
Robert A.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
"Cx complaint that the unit is still aggressively banging during spin cycles. I inspected the unit to confirm the complaint. I found no error codes and ran a calibration as well as a service cycle. I have reviewed loading instructions. I checked the suspension and hub drive, both are good to go. Part was left with the cx. I called Techline to document the issue. No parts were recommended by Techline. Sr7738279701"
We serviced a
Model KOCE500ESS04
Near Weddington, NC 28104
Jonathan J.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
I replaced control I tested operation of microwave and lower oven and microwave convection oven all operations are heating and operating normally. ; dspstn on spec-tagged invntry: 1 W11179310 CNTRL-ELEC
We serviced a
Model DU945PWPQ2
Near Franklin, MA 02038
Aimee Z.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Found the door is hanging and doesnt make contact on the latch counter bows and is crushing top of frame of dishwasher.Dont advise to fix Sercive charge collected at office
We serviced a
Model NED4655EW1
Near Windsor, CT 06095
Gary V.
Job Details: 01/19/2024
Customer needed to reschedule.; schdld next appmnt for 1/24 WED PM